Monday, August 27, 2012

Kierkegaard on Existence

Existence is to become not merely as self. Existence is a qualitative matter. It is true that man lives the life in a mere routine, conforming to the norms of the society which usually dictated by the people. But according to T.S. Eliot, to exist is to struggle, to strain, to encounter oppositions, experience passion; it is in making decisions not just to drift with the tide. Kierkegaard’s notion of existence is somehow related to Hegel but on the latter part we say they were opposites. Hegel stated that to exist or existence as a self-conscious not just a substance but as a subject. Kierkegaard agreed with this notion. Hegel believes that existence is a self-conscious knower however for Kierkegaard it s a self who is a doer. Hegel posits that the things exist for minds, objects of knowledge. While for Kierkegaard, the things exist for agent, objects mastered and encountered. These notions of Kierkegaard will lead that existence is not just a matter of observer but as participant, as doer.

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