Racial discrimination and ethnic cleansing are some
of the issues of cultural solidarity. These issues hinder the citizens to unite
in addition to the cultural differences present among them. Because of too much
love or emphasis of one culture, it leads to greediness of power, wealth and
glory. This is somehow the root causes of this predicament. On the other way
round, misunderstanding that leads to asserting the varied dispositions towards
resorting to violence maybe one factor that can influence such phenomenon. It
is sad to say that racial discrimination and ethnic cleansing are horrors that
shadow in our existence. The fear and anxiety of violent premonitions of these
issues brought us to dump our aspirations and dreams in life. The most affected
of these issues are the innocent child. At young age, they might experience
such agony of the past, of the misleading conditioned of their forefathers. It
will lead to feeling of inferiority, of being rejected or may be end to a
revengeful deportment. Once they will resort to violence, the most aspired
peace will run for more years. Violence is not the solution. Principle of
cultural solidarity, rather, is the guiding rule towards unity and living
peacefully on this earth. By culturally understand and critical respect the
differences that we have from other culture are the best way to live the place
we aspire of. We need also to overcome prejudices, stereotypes and
discrimination so that other culture will do the same. We should end our
personal biases and live in harmony with them. Learn to appreciate the differences
and learn to respect and accept the similarities this would lead eventually,
towards unity in diversity.
All in all, everything is just a matter of choice.
The present that we have will be our future. What we want to do now will be the
life we are going to live tomorrow. The way we shape our today is the way we
predict the beautiful tomorrow we want to enjoy. We can do this. I can. You
can. Let us start it. Now!